Eating healthy food shouldn’t be expensive, time consuming or difficult.
Listen to my interview on Food Talk N Color's Edible Activist podcast here!
Watch my cooking demo collaboration with The People's Market here and here!
About Me
My interest in the connection between health and food was sparked when I saw my father successfully manage high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and borderline diabetes through diet and exercise. I learned as Hippocrates instructed, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. I took that knowledge with me when I served an Agricultural Peace Corps Volunteer in Paraguay, establishing a sustainable project which improved family nutrition and women's financial independence. As a new mom, I held Cook Days at my home to teach my girlfriends new recipes. I'd send out an email with the recipe and the ingredient list and my friends would bring their children over and we'd cook all day. The kids would play outside, the mamas would cook and take home a dish for dinner. That way, the husbands couldn't say "you spent all day with your girlfriends, and there's nothing to eat." The food was so delicious that soon the husbands were asking "When are you having another Cook Day?"
“The simplest life, like the simplest meal,
is cause for celebration.”
—-Edwidge Danticat

Cold Weather = Butternut Squash Soup
A quick delicious soup for these chilly days of Fall.

JuJu’s Summer Stew

Sesame Green Beans

White Bean Salad

Black Eye Pea Salad

Why I’m Nana JuJu

About Me Continued

Herbed Cream Cheese

Cioppino Nana JuJu's Way

JuJu’s Beef Stew and JuJu’s Easy Apple Crumble

Split pea soup and Cornbread

Sundried Tomato Dressing

Chicken or Vegetable Curry

Cilantro Sauce

Black Bean Salad

Fried Green Tomatoes

Heirloom Tomato Jam

Summer Squash Salad

Shredded Balsamic Beet & Kale (or Beet Green) Salad

Its Chilly